旨在帶領兒童敬拜神、愛人,透過教導聖經、活動、遊戲、愛心互助,培養孩子良好的基督徒品格,在神愛的家中共同成長。“教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。”(箴 22:6)
AWANA 取名的含義是「無愧的工人」(Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) 來自提摩太後書2:15,你當竭力,在 神面前得蒙喜悅,作無愧的工人,按著正意分解真理的道。
1. AWANA -每週五晚聚會7:30-8:45PM(學年期間)。 課程包含學生手冊、專題時間和遊戲;培養榮譽心,孩子們更用自己羸得的票券定期換取禮品。
2. 暑期夏令營-於週五晚7:30-8:45PM 舉行。每年我們都會舉辦不同的創意活動,為炎炎夏日帶來更多樂趣,如科學、演講、音樂營等等。
3. 兒童主日學-每週日上午11AM-12:15PM。專注於學習神的話語,加上學生手冊、手工和活動等。下課後孩子們常偕小伙伴們在操場玩要,充滿了歡笑聲!
AWANA Groups
Cubbies, the youngest group, is for children 3, 4 or 5 years old. They must have turned 3 before September 1 to attend and should not yet be in Kindergarden. At an early age, the young children can and should receive spiritual training. The preschool program meets the goal
Sparks is for kindergarten through second grade. The curriculum takes kids a step deeper into God's Word after the foundational teaching at the Cubbies. It also gives unsaved boys and girls regular opportunities to hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ. The goal is to help boys and girl come to an understanding of their need to trust Christ as their personal Savior.
Truth and Training (T&T)
Truth and Training (T&T): Grades 3–6. The name Truth & Training reflects the passion of Awana to teach third- through sixth-grade boys and girls the truth of God’s Word and to train them to follow Christ in their daily lives. Our goal is that many of today’s young people will become tomorrow’s church leaders. T&T is the program that trains the leaders of tomorrow — today.
AWANA Programs
Immersing Kids in God's Word
The program is firmly grounded in Scripture: Basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation and the Bible Clear and consistent presentation of the gospel message. An increased emphasis on Scripture memory over our preschool materials
Fun Learning = Results
AWANA meetings combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of irresistible excitement for churched and unchurched kids alike. Meetings are divided into three segments: Counsel time is the main teaching time in the form of lectures, skits, games or stories; Handbook time is the time the clubbers work on their handbooks and memorize Bible verses; Game time is when the kids play high-enery, age-appropriate games as a team.